Learn About the US Marines & Navy Corpsmen of Delta Company Reinforced
Join the Marines of Delta Company during Desert Storm using 1st hand accounts, actual photos and authentic audio.
Join the Marines of Delta Company during Desert Storm using 1st hand accounts, actual photos and authentic audio.
President George H.W. Bush, our 41stPresident, a war veteran of WWII visited the troops during the Thanksgiving Holidays. This bold Commander in Chief sat among the Marines and Navy Corpsmen offering support and good tidings. Seen here in a Military Humvee making his way from Task Force Shepard onto other troop locations. 41 was fearless and determined to drive Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait... The Marines and Navy Corpsmen of Delta Company Reinforced were proud to be part of the great team that made that happen!
During Desert Shield and Desert Storm Delta Marines aboard the LAV 25, in harsh conditions, find themselves intertwined in a lifestyle like none other. A camaraderie of brotherhood is built between the team and command; each learning what the other is thinking.... relying solely on each other.
An interpreter joined Delta Company Reinforced during Desert Storm to give support in working with POWs. Monte L Witcher recorded some conversations during Desert Storm. Lori Y Beck Witcher took those audios and brought out the best of the best of these one of a kind audios.
These books about the Desert Storm conflict can be purchased from many online book retailers as well as at your favorite bookstore. We will also be releasing these books in audio format very soon through Audible!!
If you want to purchase the Kindle versions on Amazon. Go Here.
For a full experience, we recommend that you read both titles by Lori Y Beck.
A portion of the proceeds from these books will benefit the 3rd LAI-LAR Battalion Association – The Wolfpack.
I am very proud to be a part of this group whose whole purpose is to take care of all Marine veterans who ever was a part of The Wolfpack. The Wolfpack is based at the Marine Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) in 29 Palms, California but is assigned to the First Marine Division and 1 Marine Expeditionary Force each located at Camp Pendleton, California.
They say, "This group brings past and current members of the Wolfpack together and provide a means of communication that would ensure that the camaraderie continues far into the future." But what they do is support their brothers, sisters and Gold Star families, reminding each one of their importance to the group.
Not all of the Wolfpack served in Desert Storm, but all of the 3D LAR Bn Marines who served in Desert Storm are part of the Wolfpack! They were led by one of the greatest, the original Wolfpack Six himself, Col. Jeffrey A Powers ...Oorah!!!....